domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Pita descubre una palabra nueva - Español Lecturas 3er grado

¡El famosísimo e inolvidable Palitroche!

Sin duda esta es una de las leturas más recordadas de toda la primaria, a pesar de ser muy extensa pero la popularidad del Palitroche fue contundente.

Investigando un poco acerca del origen de este cuento, encontré que la autora Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) fue de origen sueco y que se trató de una gran escritora de cuentos infantiles, ganando premios, reconocimientos y todo eso. Pues resulta que una de sus obras más conocidas es precisamente una serie de historias de la que forma parte este cuento (llevada también a la TV y al cine), donde nuestra amiga Pita originalmente se llama Pippi Langstrump (en sueco) ó Pippi Longstocking (en inglés). Esta es la portada de uno de sus libros donde aparece con su imágen más representativa (pelirroja y con trenzas):

Y a continuación el fragmento original (en inglés) donde Pippi (Pita) descubre la palabra nueva, el cual aparece en el capitulo llamado "Pippi in the South Seas" (Pippi en los Mares del Sur) publicado en 1948:

Pippi Finds a Spink

One morning Tommy and Annika came skipping into Pippi’s kitchen as usual, shouting good morning. But there was no answer. Pippi was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table with Mr. Nilsson, the little monkey, in her arms and a happy smile on her face.
“Good morning,” said Tommy and Annika again.
“Just think,” said Pippi dreamily, “just think that I have discovered it-I and no one else!”
“What have you discovered?” Tommy and Annika wondered. They weren’t in the least bit surprised that Pippi had discovered something because she was always doing that, but they did want to know what it was.
“What did you discover, anyway, Pippi?”
“A new word,” said Pippi and looked at Tommy and Annika as if she had just this minute noticed them. “A brand-new word.”
“What kind of word?” said Tommy.
“A wonderful word,” said Pippi. “One of the best I’ve ever heard.”
“Say it then,” said Annika.
“Spink,” said Pippi triumphantly.
“Spink,” repeated Tommy. “What does that mean?”
“If I only knew!” said Pippi. “The only thing I know is that it doesn’t mean vacuum cleaner.”
Tommy and Annika thought for a while. Finally Annika said, “But if you don’t know what it means, then it can’t be of any use.”
“That’s what bothers me,” said Pippi.
“Who really decided in the beginning what all the words should mean?” Tommy wondered.
“Probably a bunch of old professors,” said Pippi. “People certainly are peculiar I Just think of the words they make up-‘tub” and “stopper” and “string” and words like that. Where they got them from, nobody knows. But a wonderful word like “spink,” they don’t bother to invent. How lucky that I hit on it! And you just bet I’ll find out what it means, too.”
She fell deep in thought.
“Spink, I wonder if it might be the top part of a blue flagpole,” she said doubtfully.
“Flagpoles aren’t blue,” said Annika.
“You’re right. Well, then, I really don’t know. ... Or do you think it might be the sound you hear when
you walk in the mud and it gets between your toes? Let’s hear how it sounds. As Annika walked in
the mud you could hear the most wonderful spink.” She shook her head. “No, that’s no good. You could hear the most wonderful tjipp’- that’s what it should be instead.”
Pippi scratched her head. “This is getting more and more mysterious. But whatever it is, I’m going to find
out. Maybe it can be bought in the stores. Come on, let’s go and ask!”

Tommy and Annika had no objection. Pippi went off to hunt for her purse, which was full of gold pieces. “Spink,” she said. “It sounds as if it might be expensive. I’d better take a gold piece along.” And she did. As usual Mr. Nilsson jumped up on her shoulder.
Then Pippi lifted the horse down from the veranda.
“We’re in a hurry,” she said to Tommy and Annika. “We’ll have to ride. Because otherwise there might not be any spink left when we get there. It wouldn’t surprise me if the mayor had already bought the last of it.”

When the horse came galloping through the streets of the little town with Pippi and Tommy and Annika on his
back, the children heard the clatter of his hoofs on the cobblestones and came happily running because they all liked Pippi so much.
“Pippi, where are you going?” they cried.
“I’m going to buy spink,” said Pippi and brought the horse to a halt for a moment.
The children looked puzzled.
“Is it something good?” a little boy asked.
“You bet,” said Pippi and licked her lips.
“It’s wonderful. At least it sounds as if it were.”
In front of a candy shop she jumped off the horse, lifted Tommy and Annika down, and in they went.
“I would like to buy a bag of spink,” said Pippi.
“But I want it nice and crunchy.”
“Spink,” said the pretty lady behind the counter, trying to think. “I don’t believe we have that.”
“You must have it,” said Pippi. “All well-stocked shops carry it.”
“Yes, but we’ve just run out of it,” said the lady, who had never even heard of spink but didn’t want to admit that her shop wasn’t as well-stocked as any other.
 “Oh, but then you did have it yesterday!” cried Pippi eagerly. “Please, please tell me how it looked. I’ve never seen spink in all my life. Was it red striped?”
Then the nice lady blushed prettily and said, “No, I really don’t know what it is. In any case, we don’t have it here.”
Very disappointed, Pippi walked toward the door.
“Then I have to keep on looking,” she said. “I can’t go back home without spink.”

The next store was a hardware store. A salesman bowed politely to the children.
“I would like to buy a spink,” said Pippi. “But I want it to be of the best kind, the one that is used for
killing lions.”
The salesman looked sly as a fox. “Let’s see,” he said and scratched himself behind the ear. “Let’s see.” He took out a small rake. “Is this all right?” he said as he handed it to Pippi.
Pippi looked indignantly at him. “That’s what the professors would call a rake,” she said. “But it happens to be a spink I wanted. Don’t try to fool an innocent little child.”
Then the salesman laughed and said, “Unfortunately we don’t have the thing you want. Ask in the store
around the corner that carries notions.”
“Notions,” Pippi muttered to Tommy and Annika when they came out on the street. “I just know they won’t have it there.” Suddenly she brightened.
“Perhaps, after all, it’s a sickness,” she said.
“Let’s go and ask the doctor.”

Annika knew where the doctor lived because she had gone there to be vaccinated. Pippi rang the bell. A nurse opened the door.
“I would like to see the doctor,” said Pippi.
“It’s a very serious case. A terribly dangerous disease.”
“This way, please,” said the nurse.
The doctor was sitting at his desk when the children came in. Pippi went straight to him, closed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out.
“What is the matter with you?” said the doctor.
Pippi opened her clear blue eyes and pulled in her tongue. “I’m afraid I’ve got spink,” she said, “because I itch all over. And when I sleep my eyes close. Sometimes I have the hiccups and on Sunday I didn’t feel very well after having eaten a dish of shoe polish and milk. My appetite is quite hearty, but sometimes I get the food down my windpipe and then nothing good comes of it. It must be the spink which bothers me. Tell me,
is it contagious?”
The doctor looked at Pippi’s rosy face and said, “I think you’re healthier than most. I’m sure you’re not suffering from spink.”
Pippi grabbed him eagerly by the arm. “But there is a disease by that name, isn’t there?”
“No,” said the doctor, “there isn’t. But even if there were, I don’t think it would have any effect on
Pippi looked sad. She made a deep curtsy to the doctor as she said good-by, and so did Annika. Tommy bowed. And then they went out to the horse, who was waiting at the doctor’s fence.

Not far from the doctor’s house was a high
three-story house with a window open on the upper floor. Pippi pointed toward the open window and
said, “It wouldn’t surprise me if the spink is in there. I’ll dash up and see.” Quickly she climbed up the water spout. When she reached the level of the window she threw herself heedlessly into the air and grabbed hold of the window sill. She hoisted herself up by the arms and stuck her head in.
In the room two ladies were sitting chatting. Imagine their astonishment when all of a sudden a red head popped over the window sill and a voice said, “Is there by any chance a spink here?”
The two ladies cried out in terror. “Good heavens, what are you saying, child? Has someone escaped?”
That is exactly what I would like to know,” said Pippi politely.
“Maybe he’s under the bed!” screamed one of the ladies. “Does he bite?”
“I think so,” said Pippi. “He’s supposed to have tremendous fangs.”
The two ladies clung to each other. Pippi looked around curiously, but finally she said with a sigh, “No, there isn’t as much as a spink’s whisker around here. Excuse me for disturbing you. I just thought I would ask, since I happened to be passing by.”
She slid down the water spout and said sadly to Tommy and Annika, There isn’t any spink in this town. Let’s ride back home.”
And that’s what they did. When they jumped down from the horse outside the veranda, Tommy came close
to stepping on a little beetle which was crawling on the gravel path.
“Be careful not to step on the beetle!” Pippi cried.
All three bent down to look at it. It was such a tiny thing, with green wings that gleamed like metal.
”What a pretty little creature,” said Annika. “I wonder what it is.”
“It isn’t a June bug,” said Tommy.
“And no ladybug either,” said Annika. “And no stagbeetle. I wish I knew what it was.”
All at once a radiant smile lit up Pippi’s face. “I know,” she said. “It’s a spink.”
“Are you sure?” Tommy said doubtfully.
“Don’t you think I know a spink when I see one?” said Pippi. “Have you ever seen anything so spink-like in your life?”
She carefully moved the beetle to a safer place, where no one could step on it. “My sweet little spink,” she said tenderly. “I knew that I would find one at last. But isn’t it funny! We’ve been hunting all over town for a spink, and here was one right outside Villa Villekulla all the time!”

Y es aqui donde nos podemos dar cuenta de algunos detalles relevantes de la historia, por ejemplo:

- El nombre original de Pita es Pippi, así como los de Anita y Tomás son Anikka y Tommy.
- Pippi tiene los ojos azules.
- En la versión en inglés la palabra que buscan es "Spink", en lugar de Palitroche.
- En el momento en que Annika y Tommy llegan a la cocina, Pita se encontraba con su amigo Mr. Nilsson (un pequeño mono) en los brazos.
- Los tres niños hicieron su recorrido en busca del spink... ¡montando un caballo!
- Antes de ir a la ferretería, Pippi también buscó su spink en una dulcería.
- En la ferretería, lo que el vendedor ofreció a Pippi fue un rastrillo pequeño y no un cepillo.
- Después de ver al doctor, Pippi se asomó por la ventana de una casa donde se encontraban dos señoras platicando y a quienes les preguntó si habían visto un spink.

34 comentarios:

  1. Un clásico del libro de 3ero y creo que nunca puse atención en quién escribió este cuento, me imaginaba que sería Armida de la Vara...muy mexicanizada la traducción.

    Me imagino que la mayoría de los escuincles mensos nos reiríamos si la protagonista la conociéramos como "Pippi"

  2. hola!! oigan esta pita no es la misma pipa medias largas era igual pelirroja y con trenzas y el mismo monito !!!

    1. Siiiii.... Solo que la versión aquí presentada es de los 80's y la que menciona usted es de los 90's creo. Por que yo nací en el 95 y me toco leer la chica de cara alargada y trenzas .

  3. ¡Uy! No te imaginas cómo estaba esperando esta entrada. ¡Cómo olvidar el tan famoso "Palitroche".

  4. Creo que hay otro cuento en los mismos libros llamado "Pita llega a su casita de campo" quiza de 4to o de 5to grado.

    Saludos, disfruto leyendo estos cuentos otra vez :). Que nostalgia y que felicidad.

    1. Está aquí

  5. Muchisimas gracias x subir estas lecturas tan fabulosas, si no es mucha molestia, no se si podrias subir una lectura que viene en el libro de español ejercicios de tercer grado, se llama "Soy Purepecha", te lo gradeceria infinitamente... :)

  6. @Anonimo: Aunque no recuerdo la lectura que comentas, en la primera oportunidad que tenga de revisar el libro (ahorita no lo tengo a la mano) la busco y la subo.

  7. Inolvidable! en el salon, la profe nos puso a hacer una mini obra de este cuento, yo fui Anita jejeje saludos!

  8. Curioso ver como las ilustraciones representan a niños llevando vida de adultos, la cocina de leña y esa cacerola de barro grandota, seguro estaba haciendo mole o algo jejeje. Muy buenos dibujos, recuerdo que cuando encontraba a algun insecto de color verde le decia palitroche jejeje

  9. el libro de sexto tiene el cuento de La Medusa con una ilustracion de miedo, si la tienes te lo agradecere!

  10. Hasta el dia de hoy le llamo "palitroche" a cualquier cosa que no tenga sentido para mi! Jajajaja.... que hermosos recuerdos!
    Mi mecánico me regaña cada vez que me trata de explicar lo que anda mal en mi auto, siempre le replico "Cuánto por arreglar el palitroche?" Jajajaja

    1. Éramos tan inocentes para entender que un palitroche era tener relaciones, viene del verbo echar un palo

  11. ¡Oigan!, ¿se acuerdan de "Genoveva, una niña muy mandona"?, no me acuerdo si aparecía en el libro de primero o de segundo, pero relacionaba los dibujitos de Pita con Genoveva... ¡Qué recuerdos! =D

    1. jajaja sii, tambien recuerdo mucho esa leccion porke yo se la leia a mi mamá y le decia ke ella era Genoveva pero ya cuando habia crecido!! jajaja, no la he vuelto a leer :(


  13. Que lindo y reconfortante es saber que no soy la única sentimental con las lecturas de la primaria.

  14. Me entero que la palabra original en el cuento sueco es "spunk":

    Prefiero "Palitroche".

  15. Muy buena investigacion, si estaba buscando pues aun conservo mi libro de lectura de tercer grado y una noche lo encontre y lo lei recordando mi infancia, y me dio interes buscar, y gracias a ti ya se de donde lo sacaron, al pie del cuento aparece el nombre del autor. Eso si las traducciones nunca seran igual, en su idioma cadas quien les entendio.

  16. No sé de qué año, pero recuerdo que en los libros de primaria había otra lectura que se llamaba "Pita y su casita de campo" o algo así. Y en esa la ilustración mostraba a una niña con caracteristicas parecidas a Pippi Longstocking.

  17. Tengo amigos que les pregunto.. recuerdan la palabra que Pita descubrió!?!? jajaja.. muchos ni se acuerdan de Pita.. Yo siempre recordé: PALITROCHE!!

  18. Oficialmente soy fan de tu blog! :D
    ¡Felicidades por tus publicaciones! :D

  19. Graciassszzzz... todo importa... nuestra generacion se hizo de esto... y de palitroches... es hermoso.. y del kinder recuerdo aquel(ya sequenada que ver el kinder) pero por si lo tienes.. aquel li roooototote habia un cuento "El gigante egoista" se lo relate a mi hijita como lo recordaba... que hermosas hilustraciones.. eso me hizo mucho lo que soy.. gracias por este rushhh nostalgico felicidades por el sitio!!;)

  20. Alguien se acuerda de un cuento se llama "La danza de los venados"? No recuerdo en que libro lo lei, Segundo o tercero de primaria.

  21. Eres la Ostia tío.
    Muchas Gracias.

  22. Mil gracias, que maravilloso es encontrar este texto, que recuerdo con mucho cariño. FIAT

  23. Busco el cuento de genoveva la niña mandona

  24. Recién descubro para mis peques la fascinante historia de Pipi calzaslargas. Es muy nostálgico y hermoso darme cuenta que desde hace muchos años conozco a Pipi, con el nombre de Pita. Muy recomendable todo el texto. Lo encontré en PDF.

  25. Dicen que recordar es vivir. Sufrí un accidente y olvide muchas cosas, recientes y pasadas. Curiosamente recuerdo muchos textos de mis libros:sapito Glo Glo, dedos de luna, Elvira salió volando, soldadito soldadito, ¿de la guerra viene UD?, Barco de papel....etc muchos más que aquí he encontrado. Mis hijos se los saben de memoria y les encanta que se los recite o hacerlo ellos. ¡Hacemos competencia! ¡Gracias!

  26. Iniciando 2021! me alegra volver a encontrar este blog y aunque ya no haya continuidad lo sigo desde que iniciaste este proyecto. Con todo y COVID-19 seguimos disfrutando de la nostalgia.

  27. Buenas noches alguien me podría decir quién hizo los dibujos de ese cuento por favor se los agradecería mucho.
